PinnedTwitter Has Invoked the “Poison Pill” — What Does Elon Musk do Next?April 15, 2022Apr 15, 2022Apr 15, 2022
PinnedElon Musk Makes His Next Move on Twitter: Inside the Looming Proxy BattleApril 13, 2022Apr 14, 2022Apr 14, 2022
Will the U.S. Supreme Court save TikTok?The decision has far reaching implications for 170 million TikTok users and content creatorsJan 10Jan 10
A Second Impeachment Will Fuel Domestic ExtremismImpeaching Trump a second second time will provide fuel to domestic extremism. Right wing extremism has been growing as a direct response…Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021
Will the “Mail-In-Vote” Become the Supreme Court’s “Hanging Chad” of 2020?The difference between 2000 and 2020 is that COVID-19 changed the way we vote, making mail-in-voting the norm and not the exception. That…Nov 7, 2020Nov 7, 2020
Trump’s 25th Amendment “House of Cards” GambitUnder the 25th Amendment, Trump could voluntarily and temporarily resign his post if unable to carry out his executive duties, or….the Vice…Oct 3, 2020Oct 3, 2020
What is Holding the United States Together?In turbulent political times, a country beset by a pandemic, and with cultural animosity at an all time high, one should rightfully wonder…Aug 3, 2020Aug 3, 2020
This is How the Post COVID-19 Stock Market Bubble Bursts in 2020Those who have money in the stock market should be rightly anxious about another crash by the end of 2020. The U.S. stock market has not…Jul 6, 2020Jul 6, 2020
Will “Defunding-the-Police” Bring Prosecutorial Reform?Recently, the hashtag #defundthepolice went viral. Police brutality, the militarization of our police forces, and the disproportionate rate…Jun 13, 2020Jun 13, 2020